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4th of July Fireworks

Date: 7/04/23

Time: 9:00 PM

Location: Busey Bank Field at Joliet Memorial Stadium

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, the City of Joliet will host its elaborate fireworks display, returning to the Joliet Park District Memorial Stadium, located at 3000 West Jefferson Street, Joliet, 60435. Entrance to the parking lot is on Jefferson Street.

The Park District will be opening the stadium for viewing at 7:00 p.m., however, the parking lot will be available earlier. Alcohol and grilling are prohibited. In the stadium itself, blankets are welcome, but lawn chairs and coolers are not.

Please be advised that the soccer field parking lot will be closed for safety, as well as the lot by the Joliet Township Animal Control. Fireworks will begin at approximately 9:30 p.m. Once again, the pyrotechnic display will be coordinated with music broadcast on STAR 96.7.