2016 Staff Appreciation Gathering
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The Joliet Park District full-time staff gathered on Wednesday, November 23rd at the Barber and Oberwortmann Horticultural Center in Pilcher Park for a United Way Breakfast and Staff Appreciation day. This day included a raffle for employees, a United Way presentation, and anniversary celebrations for employees 5, 10, & 20 year anniversaries.
This year, the staff contributed an astounding $3,196 through one-time donations, payroll deduction and raffles that went to United Way. Mike Hennessey, President & CEO of United Way of Will County, spoke at the breakfast. The mission of United Way Will County is to promote self-sufficiency, contribute to youth success, advance healthy lifestyles, and establish a safer community. Staff donations will be used to support the 109 different local programs that United Way Will County invests in. The United Way Will County website lists all of their partners and programs they support.
In addition, Staff also contributed $580 to Combined Charities though one-time donations and payroll deductions. Rita Renwick, president of Will County Audubon Society, was there representing the Will County Audubon Society and EarthShare Illinois. Will County Audubon Society and EarthShare Illinois are just two of the hundreds of charities that make up Combined Charities. When an individual contributes to Combined Charities, they designate which charity they would like to contribute to and also what percentage of their donation they would like to contribute to that particular charity.
The Will County Audubon Society has been very supportive of the Joliet Park District. Last year it purchased the Hoberg property which is adjacent to Pilcher Park on behalf of the park district. As soon as state grant funds which have been awarded to the park district are released, the park district will buy the property back from the Audubon Society.
We would also like to thank those that have donated raffle items for the Staff Appreciation day.